Before experiencing hand or thumb arthritis, the use of the thumb is often taken for granted. Yet the thumb is one of the most useful joints, and we rely on it to complete simple, necessary tasks. Some of these tasks include getting dressed, turning doorknobs...Read More
“About 2 months ago I began to have bad pains in my hips, legs + lower back which made walking difficult. I learned that arthritis was causing this pain. My doctor recommended physical therapy. I chose SOL because I had such good help from them...Read More
“Presenting problem was painful arthritic shoulder. Pain entirely gone – thanks to excellent interventions by my SOL physical therapist. She did combination of manipulation, strengthening and stretching exercises + periodic re-evaluations of range of motion. Also gave me post treatment regimen of stretching/exercising to maintain...Read More
“Before coming to SOL, I felt I needed help with balance as well as arthritic pain. After coming, and with regular exercises that my physical therapist gave me, I feel much improved. My static and dynamic balance are better, and I can better compensate for...Read More
“Before coming to SOL for physical therapy I was having pain in both my knees. My right knee was very, very painful and I have arthritis in both knees and my right hand. After 12 weeks of physical therapy, I have reduced pain in my...Read More